
The Journal of Biblical Counseling: Volume 17, Number 2, Winter 1999 is unavailable, but you can change that!

For nearly 30 years, the Journal of Biblical Counseling (previously the Journal of Pastoral Practice) of CCEF (the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) has provided a forum for biblical counseling’s development and application. The journal’s mission is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling through articles that faithfully bring the God of truth,...

paraphrases, conflations, snatches, reworkings, and story-tellings that are part of the normal Christian life. Only books-on-tape, a Scripture song, or a liturgical reading can replicate Ephesians. Any other part of the Christian life must do something like what Paul did, as well as stay faithful and subordinate to what Paul said. Faithful does not mean rote. Faithful does not mean you keep your nose in a book, even The Book, because The Book models something different. I am not arguing for relativism.
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